Tell Congress: fund the democracy movement in Myanmar

Tell Congress to fully fund the democracy movement in Myanmar

As Congress prepares the Fiscal Year 2025 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations budget, we are urging that Congress appropriate sufficient money to fully implement the BURMA Act, while continuing essential assistance in the face of the ongoing political and humanitarian crisis in Burma.

The people of Burma continue to struggle in the aftermath of the Burmese military’s February 2021 coup. The United States must provide the funding required to support pro-democracy stakeholders in Burma, isolate the Burmese military diplomatically and economically, and push for a peaceful end to the crisis and facilitate a pathway to democracy for its people.

At present, the House of Representatives and the Senate are producing their own version of the FY25 SFOPS appropriations bill. Please take action today to tell your Members of Congress to ensure that the the FY25 SFOPS appropriations bill fully funds Burma-related programs.