Neglect of a Monk at the Hands of the Military

The following submission came from someone requesting anonymity due to safety concerns.

This incident took place during Fall 2021, and is just coming to light now. The identities of the victims and the exact locations cannot be revealed due to the fear of their safety.

As the world is aware, the atrocities committed by the Myanmar military are unimaginable. Since the coup, innocent people have been ruthlessly shot, while the military continues to deny any such occurrences in their own state media.

Although this incident did not involve any bullets, a monk lost his life.

The COVID-19 situation was dire at the end of 2021, and the author, being in Yangon, had first-hand knowledge of the situation. The pandemic had devastated the country, and the protests had declined partly due to the rising spread of COVID-19. Crematoriums across the cities were becoming filled with dead bodies, and the pandemic had now claimed many lives in the neighborhoods.

A head monk at a monastery was a victim of COVID-19 and was in dire need of oxygen. The monks from the monastery accompanied him to the COVID center due to the shortage of oxygen. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when they arrived at the center, as the military council's subordinates had taken over the entire building. They only allowed military families to use the oxygen tanks, and patients had to pay bribes to secure a good place in the center.

A young monk approached the military officer in charge of the center, requesting an oxygen tank for the head monk, who was on the verge of death. However, the general was dismissive and disrespectful, saying that he would only provide an oxygen tank if the monk and his abbot kowtowed to him, a very unusual request for a Buddhist lay person to make of a monastic. The young monk was understandably confused but nevertheless tried to kowtow, although the nurses and doctors prevented him from doing so out of respect for the Sangha, and a scuffle broke out between the medical professionals and the military. Unfortunately, in the end, the young monk did not receive the oxygen tank he desperately needed.

As a result of the military’s neglect, the abbott passed away the next day due to the lack of oxygen, leaving everyone devastated. The soldiers then visited the monastic school being run by the abbot and expelled the students and sealed it off, hoping attention would die down. However, nearby monks attempted to intervene and hastily found some apology they could offer, and so the soldiers retreated.

This incident highlights the barbarity and callousness of the military junta towards the innocent people of Myanmar, while also showing how the Tatmadaw is now the greatest threat to the survival of Dhamma in the country due to their rude demeanor towards the Sangha. It is a tragic reminder of the ongoing struggle of the people of Myanmar for democracy and human rights.