Reviving Dreams: Rebuilding Education for Kanbalu’s Displaced Children

In the heart of Myanmar’s Sagaing Region, the children of Kanbalu Township are facing a crisis that threatens to deprive them of their most basic right: the right to education. As political unrest continues to grip the nation, these young students, already displaced from their homes, are now forced to endure life in a makeshift camp. The turmoil has not only taken their homes but also stripped them of the fundamental resources they need to learn and grow. Schools have been razed to the ground, and with them, the hope that education can provide a pathway to a brighter future.

For these children, education is not just a means to an end; it is a lifeline. It is the one thing that can offer them a semblance of normalcy in a world turned upside down. Yet, in the absence of even the most basic supplies—books, pencils, and paper—their dreams of learning are slipping further out of reach.

Despite these overwhelming challenges, the children of Kanbalu have shown remarkable resilience. We have seen just how much that they understand the real power of education… even if their immediate needs for survival often overshadow their aspirations. Many of these children have lost their parents to the violence, and they now rely on one another for support. In a testament to their determination, older siblings and young adults who have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) have taken up the mantle of teachers. But their ability to teach is severely hampered by the lack of resources.

In total, 152 children in the refugee camp and surrounding villages are in dire need of educational supplies. By providing these young students with the basic tools they need to learn, we can offer them a chance to reclaim their education and, with it, their future.

The local ground crew has devised a plan to ensure that your donations reach those who need them most. Upon receiving the funds, they will be allocated based on the needs of the students, with separate provisions for middle and elementary school children. The necessary supplies will be purchased, and distribution will take place when the school reopens, ensuring that the children can immediately resume their studies.

In just one month, with your help, we can make a profound difference in the lives of these 152 children. The total amount required to fund this project is 2,591,000 Myanmar Kyats (which comes to roughly $370 today, although please note that rising inflation makes it more challenging to state the exact exchange). In other words, for a donation of just $15, your contribution can help to provide adequate educational supplies to around 6 students!

Detailed Budget:

Middle School (Male): 32 students at 20,000 MMK each, totaling 640,000 MMK

Middle School (Female): 21 students at 15,000 MMK each, totaling 315,000 MMK

Primary School (Male): 50 students at 19,000 MMK each, totaling 950,000 MMK

Primary School (Female): 49 students at 14,000 MMK each, totaling 686,000 MMK

Grand Total: 2,591,000 MMK

Your support can provide these children with the educational materials they so desperately need. Together, we can give them the tools to continue learning, even in the face of unimaginable adversity. Let us stand with the children of Kanbalu Township and help them build a future full of promise and potential.

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