"The influence of Bhramanic culture on gender aspects in Buddhism."
The power of Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta.... not even worth empires!
The Pāḷi Grammar & Diṭṭhikathā Course in Myanmar
A Day in A Myint, northern Burma
Burma DhammaA Myint, Bagan Era, Bodhi Ta Htaung, Chindwin, Duke Min Latwar, Inwa Era, King Alaungsitthu, King Swar Saw Ke, Ledi Pandita, Ledi Sayadaw, Min Ye Monastery, Sanlahvati Kingdom, Zaw Win Htet, monti, thu-yaung
The Sagaing Hills: A Perfect Antidote to Civilization and Privilege
A walk back to the history of Vipassana in Burma
"Myanmar Pilgrimage" to Offer Dhamma Tours of the Golden Land
The Meditation Movement in Burma
Burma DhammaKing Anawrahta, Maha Gandayone, Mahasi Sayadaw, Manual of Vipassana Meditation, Mohnyin Sayadaw, Seikkhun, Taungwainggale, Thanboddhay Monastery, U Tin Oo, dacoit
Sagaing: the Hidden Treasure of the Golden Land
Coming Soon: "Myanmar Pilgrimage"
Mornings in Myanmar
The Death of Ledi Sayadaw
Meditation under Ledi Sayadaw: Hiding in Plain Sight All Along!
The White Scarf and Burmese Meditation
Burma DhammaChristmas, IMC, Ledi Sayadaw, Maha Bodhi Monastery, Majjhima Nikaya, Mandalay, Marie Byles, Saya Thet Gyi, Saya U Than, Sayadaw U Vajirapani, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, U Ko Lay, U Sarana, Webu Sayadaw, Yaw Sayadaw
Who is a Meditator?
The 8th Ledi Sayadaw and S.N. Goenka: A Meeting of Cousins
Myanmar Dhamma coming to Europe - a unique opporunity!
Saya Thet Gyi's Method, in Mandalay
"Nothing But Nothing Should Be Taken at Face Value.”
The Gyaungs of the Sagaing Hills